Career & recovery coaching and education

Potential Development will support you to develop the career or lifepath, and life you want for yourself

Ways to explore

  • Your career

    We all have a unique combination of interests, skills, personality and values, and applying these in our career will result in a life that is more fulfilling, meaningful and enjoyable.

  • Your life path

    You may be longing for a more authentic way of living and spending your time that aligns with your deepest values and needs.

  • Career education

    Explore and develop your skills in a range of career related topics including clarifying your career direction, changing careers, best practice job applications and the most successful ways to find and get jobs .

  • Recovery Coaching

    We all need support and guidance along the way to reach our career and life goals and live the life we want for ourselves.




Click below to book a session

I would like to acknowledge the lands on which I live, love and work, and the ongoing struggles, resistance and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. I pay my respect to the knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down by the First Nations peoples of this country, and to Elders past, present and emerging. Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.